
Thursday, 22 March 2012

{Inspiration} Vintage Spring has sprung!!!

Wow! I hope you are getting some of this lovely spring weather at last? Its been so beautiful this week (and stark contrast from the permenant fog of last week) the flowers are blooming and , maybe, spring is at last here.

Anyway spring always cheers my mood, so off I went trawelling the old interweb for some loveliness to share with you....

Now fist of all I should explain that spring for me is when the daffs come up.......

 So todays inspiration is all daffodil inspired.....

This Lovely set was too much to resist and found its way into my trolley!!

I'm a bit taken with daffodils at the moment...

and how about hanging it on this 

Vintage 1950 Crochet Pattern Daffodil Coat hanger Cover



 I nearly didn't post this next one, the clothes are gorgeous but Smile Please - its spring and we are happy!!!!

I love this outfit over at the  FranklySew blog

Now I'm off to the local fabric shop to see what I can find to try and make a spring outfit!!! I always leave it too late!!
And little miss needs an easter bonnet too!!

Hope you've enjoyed my selections, what signals spring for you?



  1. Ah, nice pictures. I do like the doilie, I've not got around to any spring sewing yet either, I'm still on a major spring clean/ decorate of my house. X

  2. Great inspiration! I think all the fog from your way has come my way hehehe xox

  3. Louise - we really need a good sort out and decorate here too, I have a van ful of rubbish to go to the tip next week then I can start on the loft! All of which will be replaced by more vintage finds no doubt!

    Bunny - I do hope not! I get nothing done on overcast days at all - I NEED sunshine!!
