
Sunday, 30 October 2011

Autumn Dress & Pretty Petticoats!!

I LOVE the look of big frilly 50s petticoats but being a 40s girl I've stayed away until now!
Solanah of Vixen Vintage did a very tempting post on petticoats recently and they've been bobbing about in my mind since!

Of course I convinced myself I could sew one!! Little miss requested one too, for her halloween party. I found some tutorials and sat down with my sewing machine. An hour and a half of cutting and sewing later she had a passable petticoat but it had driven me mad and there was no way I wanted to attempt one for myself!!
Having bought one on ebay before I wasn't keen to go down that route (cheap but scratchy and mis shapen) and alot of the online shops only do them for slim hips, I put the petticoat idea away for now!

The universe has a strange way of working though and after the vintage bazaar on Saturday I wandered into Poot and they had one hanging from the rafters!!!! I fit like a dream, and although not my first choice of colour , I LOVED it!!!! What do you think?

Sorry for the blurryness, little miss took the pics!


  1. I love the wide petticoated skirts of the 50s too! Big skirts make me feel so feminine. Another plus with those petticoats is that they keep you warm in the winter! I'm glad you found one you like. It looks great, and that color fits the color on the dress you're wearing with it too! :)

  2. Hi miss meadows, welcome to the blog!
    Yes I'm definitely a big circle skirt girl rather than slim pencil skirts! And you are sooooo right about them being warm! It was lovely and toasty and when I stepped out of it in the changing room it went all cold!! xx

  3. I love these 50s petticoats, they are beautiful and attractive. Thanks for sharing this fashion post with us.
